Find Your Rhythm
This 14 Day Time Restricted Eating Challenge is designed to help you reset your body’s natural rhythms for lasting energy, better sleep, and effortless weight control.
To provide you with powerful, science-based strategies along with practical implementation tips and support to empower you to achieve these goals!
Achieving the best health of your life doesn't have to be difficult!
Through guided lessons, practical tips, and daily support, you'll build powerful routines that enhance mental clarity, balance hormones, and reduce cravings — all without calorie counting or complicated diets.
These 14 days will challenge you to break free from old patterns and step into a healthier, easier, more empowered way of living.
A message from Dr. Erin:
Health is a lifelong journey!
There’s no single path to success. The key to lasting health is having the right tools at your fingertips to navigate life’s twists and turns.
This 14-day TRE challenge is just one tool — a powerful step toward better metabolic health, mental clarity, and vitality. But the journey doesn’t stop here. Keep learning, keep experimenting, and most importantly, keep listening to what your body needs.
Small, intentional changes lead to big transformations over time. I’m here to guide you, and Fixed Nation is here to support you. Together, we’ll keep building your personalized roadmap to health — one habit, one choice, one step at a time.
❤️Dr. E